What Happened With Hannah & Nick on Love Is Blind Season 7?

Nick and Hannah’s relationship in Love is Blind Season 7 never really had a honeymoon period. Even though Hannah chose Nick after initially rejecting him, she did so after going back and forth between him and Leo for most of their time in the pods – and her decision was solidified by the fact that Leo didn’t take his rejection well. Add to that the fact that sparks didn’t exactly fly during Hannah and Nick’s first meeting, and their relationship always seemed to have a question mark.

Their time in Mexico wasn’t exactly smooth, either. At one point the two get into an argument because Nick wants to ride some child-size ducks placed around the pool area and Hannah asks him not to. He decides to do it anyway, and once there he races another woman who is in the area. When Hannah calls Nick back, the woman makes fun of Hannah for being jealous, to which Nick only laughs.

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Later, we learn during a meetup with the couples that Hannah was upset enough to write out a list of concerns, which she left in a place where Nick could see. On the list, there were things like “Actions speak louder than words.” “Respect.” “Social awareness.” These are not really good signs for a long-term relationship.

Things don’t exactly improve when the two leave Mexico and move in together, with Nick – who still lives with his parents – seeming very immature to Hannah, and Hannah constantly telling him what to do and when to do it, not always in the nicest way possible. From the beginning, it seemed like a matter of time before the two would clash in a way they couldn’t come back from.

So, what did the last batch of Love is Blind episodes reveal about these two? What happened with Hannah and Nick? Are they still together?

What happened with Hannah and Nick on Love is Blind?

Nick & Hannah Love is Blind

The two are officially broken up. In Love is Blind Season 7’s Episode 10, Nick and Hannah have a very tense meeting with Hannah’s friends. Afterwards, Hannan tells Nick they have to talk and the two skip the dress and tux fittings the rest of the couple are attending. That’s the first sign that things are not going to turn out well in their conversation, and indeed they don’t.

“In the pods, you said you wanted someone that could push you. And help you grow,” Hannah tells Nick, before asking him if she’s done that for him and if it is too much. “At times, maybe,” Nick admits, later telling her “You see how you’re always demeaning? You’re always talking down to me. We’re not equals here.”

As the conversation continues and Nick tries to make a point that he is responsible, Hannah insists she has been trying because she loves him, but “when do I take off the rose-colored glasses and just, like, see this for what it is?”

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“Right now, you know that this is not going to work. We’re not gonna get married,” Hannah tells Nick later in the conversation, and when she asks him how he feels, he says, “I thought I was good enough for you and I was wrong the whole time.”

“I think I’m just done trying,” Hannah says, and the two affirm they do love each other and hug before going their separate ways.

Are Love Is Blind Season 7’s Hannah and Nick back together?

Nick and Hannah Love is Blind

We won’t know for sure until the Love is Blind Season 7 reunion, but all signs point to no, despite the fact that their breakup wasn’t nearly as messy as Tim and Alex’s. A few days before the new batch of episodes, Nick seemed to slip up while talking to TMZ and joked that perhaps The Bachelor was in his future, “That’s next. Come on America. Vote me in.”

It’s not a confirmation, but married men don’t go on The Bachelor. He later tried to take it back, telling TMZ he was just tired and joking, which is even more suspicious. There’s also the fact that Hannah has shared some content from the show on Instagram, but no pictures of Nick so far. Nick, meanwhile, did share some pictures featuring Hannah, but considering what he said to TMZ, that doesn’t mean much.

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