Meet Jasmina Vico, For The Best Laser Facials In London

Image Credit @ Jasmina Vico Instagram

You may not know her name, but you will know the names of some of the faces she’s responsible for glowing up! Jasmina Vico is one of the foremost experts in Skin Health and Laser treatments, collaborating with international film and television actors, industry professionals, and contributing to award-winning productions. She is known for her cutting edge integrative approach, combining high-end technology with personalised techniques. She’s my go-to for impactful laser treatments that really make a difference. Read my Q&A with Jasmina, below.

Image Credit @ Jasmina Vico Instagram

Q&A With Jasmina Vico

What’s your signature treatment?

My signature treatments include “Everything everywhere all at once!” We also have some individual skin signature treatments that target different concerns or skin conditions.

From VicoGlow, Vico Laser Tech to Vico Elevate. I like solving problems and looking at the lifestyle and genetics of the client, creating a plan.

I am like the skin detective, establishing the cause not just the symptoms. I look at the skin as a canvas to create the plan of action. I combine different lasers and medical machines for skin rejuvenation, pigmentation, acne scarring, mesotherapy, exosomes to name but a few, no treatments are the same.

Who are your clients?

We have clients from all walks of life. Those who work in art, fashion, film and entertainment industries, plus high net worth individuals. We are happy to say that we are a destination, as we have a lot of clients coming to see us from LA, New York and Paris regularly. We treat men and women and all age groups. We are really appreciative and beyond grateful for each client as we are building our VicoSkin community.

Face/Body or both?

We treat skin. Any skin concern you need to treat, we can fix it whether this is face or body, if we are doing laser on the skin for pigmentation that can be on any area, such a scarring or loss of collagen, stretch marks etc.

Universal skincare advice?

Start with your skin routine. Protect your skin from sun exposure, Vitamin D is important but that doesn’t mean you have to over do it. Sun breaks down collagen and elastin fibres, you can have all the right skin ingredients in the world and lasers to repair, but prevention is always better than the cure or correction. Skin remembers, damage is done in youth. Keep wearing SPF.

What do you wish people would stop doing to their skin?

Over using skincare products, experimenting at home, using skin products that are not suitable for their skin and getting into every new skin fad. I would advise to find the practitioner that you trust and follow the routine that is specifically recommended for you.

Any last words of wisdom?

Sleep is everything, this when the whole body is recovering and regenerating, your skin, your muscles and your brain, during the sleep your body regenerates skin cells, keeps your hormonal system balanced, helps your skin rebuild and produce collagen. Sleep optimization is now one of the biggest industries. It’s more important than ever to track your health, utilise magnesium, avoid HEV light and screens, and ensure you have enough vitamin D. There are new studies coming out showing massive importance and benefits to our circadian rhythm and our brain. Vitamin D regulates everything and for women is especially important.

This is all such wonderful advice!

Find out more about Jasmina’s work here:

I go to Jasmina’s gorgeous clinic for skin texture and lifting, her lip enhancement treatment is amazing and she is also great for body treatments like vein removal. Check her out!

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