27 Things You Should Be Able to Leave Work For

  1. When you start a good book and become engrossed in it (see above) and desperately need to find out what happens next
  2. When you find a wayward chin hair
  3. When you get food stuck in your teeth, especially blueberries, carrots and garlic
  4. When you miss your cat or dog (or other pet BFF)
  5. When your underwear or bra feels itchy or uncomfortable
  6. When you get the sudden urge to watch the “Little Women” movie (the ‘90s version with Winona Ryder, of course)
  7. When you find a white hair in your brows
  8. When you see yourself smile in the mirror and realize that a handful of rogue nose hairs shoot out of your nostrils when you grin
  9. When your socks slip down your feet whenever you take a step (a true tragedy)
  10. When it’s the upper 70s outside and there isn’t a cloud in the sky
  11. When people on the phone cross the line with their tone (ugh)
  12. When you need a comforting hug from your hubs or your kid
  13. me and coycoy hugging
    Take me back!
  14. When your jeans are annoying you (this seems to be happening a lot to me lately)
  15. When the last thing you want to do is be found on Microsoft Teams or Slack
  16. When you get a sudden and uncontrollable urge to eat ice cream
  17. When it’s your cat’s (or other animal pal’s) birthday
  18. When you wanna go shopping for Halloween decorations
  19. When you really need to see the ocean
  20. When you look down at your nails and realize that a manicure is needed ASAP for the sake of your mental health
  21. Whenever you hear someone refer to ’90s music as oldies (OMG)
  22. When someone calls you miss and asks to see an ID before you buy that bottle of wine
  23. When you roll up into Trader Joe’s and you find an item you loved which was discontinued is back, baby
  24. When you finally know all the lyrics to “September”
  25. When you have a new sunscreen that you wanna try
  26. When you want a kitten and your significant other isn’t on board
  27. When your husband refuses to honor your request for kittens
  28. When you find a bottle of discontinued perfume from the ’80s that you’ve been searching for YEARS for (more on this in a few)
  29. Reunited, and it feels so good
  30. When you’re able to spell Wednesday without having to say “Wed-NES-day” to yourself

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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