Meet Kaijah Wilson: The BeautyPreneur That Turned Faith Millions by Serving Kids, Black Women and the Black Community

Introducing Kaijah Wilson, an experienced business owner who successfully transitioned from managing million-dollar retail ventures to thriving in the world of entrepreneurship. At the young age of 27, she utilized her extensive knowledge to establish her first daycare center, marking the beginning of an extraordinary business journey. Over the course of the past six years, Kaijah has successfully launched a total of eight daycare centers, each making a significant contribution to the community by providing employment opportunities, childcare services, and invaluable support to families in need. Kaijah places great emphasis on fostering a sense of family within her centers, extending support beyond childcare to address personal needs, thereby creating a lasting impact on the Tiny Tots family.

Kaijah’s exceptional business acumen and unwavering dedication to success have earned her prestigious titles such as Store Manager, and Owner of her own enterprise. The daycare centers, including Tiny Tots Academy 1,2,3,4, Tiny Tots Academy West, Tiny Tots Before and After, Sauk Village Academy, and Sauk Village Before and After, serve as nurturing havens for both children and teachers. In addition to her flourishing daycare centers, Kaijah also owns a beauty business in Chicago called Beauty Vault. What sets Beauty Vault apart is its unwavering commitment to bringing a luxurious atmosphere to the community.

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Wilson ensures that her store not only offers a diverse range of products but also employs women from the local community who possess extensive knowledge about and personally use the products. This unique approach provides customers with well-informed advice and an unparalleled personalized shopping experience, which is rarely found in traditional beauty supply stores.

In her words, "I want to give them some kind of direction on what to do. We are 100% the consumers and we own less than 10% of the market."

Kaijah’s entrepreneurial journey is now expanding to Houston, TX, and Atlanta, GA, where she is preparing to launch two more luxury beauty supply stores, aiming to make a positive impact on the community. It will be the largest black owned beauty in Houston. Beyond her business ventures, she is also set to release her first e-book this year in 2024. Kaijah’s e-book will share her experiences in opening a beauty supply store, with the aim of guiding aspiring black entrepreneurs in navigating the market. 


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