Iles Formula People Talk With Greg Ryder Salon NZ

Located in Auckland Central, Greg Murell has an eye aimed directly at contemporary, individual and versatile cut, and colour, not unlike his spectacular salon design.

We warmly welcome Greg  from Ryder Salon NZ to our Iles Formula family. 

To learn more about Greg Murell and Greg Ryder Salon NZ, visit them on Instagram, @RyderSalon 




What in your opinion is your professional strength within the hairdressing trade? 

Cutting hair has always been closest to my heart but I also branched out into doing editorial and fashion show work which I loved. I  have always loved creating texture in hair through cutting or styling.



What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?
The client relationships built over many years and also seeing growth in our younger team members.

Why did you choose the path of hairdressing and was it easy to fall into this work?
I started in the mid-80’s. It was girls, music and creativity. Becoming a hairdresser then was placing myself into this exciting new world.

If you had not made the decision to be a hairdresser what would you have been?
Possibly an architect, photographer, clothing designer or sports scientist.

If you could choose a guest list of 5 famous people at your table who would they be? 
Wes Anderson, Yotam Ottolenghi, Frank Gehry, Tilda Swinton & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Some creativity mixed with some social justice would be flying around in that room.

Tell us about your relationship with Iles Formula. How you discovered us and which formula is your favorite?
My distributor here in NZ, Julie Fausett from Morph brought it in one day. I instantly loved the simplicity of the concept and the clean white packaging. So many brands have too many redundant products in their ranges. When hairdressers are confused you can guarantee consumers will be as well! 
I love the Iles Formula Finishing Serum and how you can use it on any hair at all. That is rare.

What in your opinion is your professional strength within the hairdressing trade? 
Cutting hair has always been closest to my heart but I also branched out into doing editorial and fashion show work which I loved. I  have always loved creating texture in hair through cutting or styling.



    What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?
    The client relationships built over many years and also seeing growth in our younger team members. 

    Why did you choose the path of hairdressing and was it easy to fall into this work?
    I started in the mid-80’s. It was girls, music and creativity. Becoming a hairdresser then was placing myself into this exciting new world.

    If you had not made the decision to be a hairdresser what would you have been?
    Possibly an architect, photographer, clothing designer or sports scientist.

    If you could choose a guest list of 5 famous people at your table who would they be? 
    Wes Anderson, Yotam Ottolenghi, Frank Gehry, Tilda Swinton & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Some creativity mixed with some social justice would be flying around in that room.

    Tell us about your relationship with Iles Formula. How you discovered us and which formula is your favorite?
    My distributor here in NZ, Julie Fausett from Morph brought it in one day. I instantly loved the simplicity of the concept and the clean white packaging. So many brands have too many redundant products in their ranges. When hairdressers are confused you can guarantee consumers will be as well! 
    I love the Iles Formula Finishing Serum and how you can use it on any hair at all. That is rare.

    What was the most challenging job you ever made? 
    We once did a hair show called where we bald-capped 18 models and made punk hair-pieces to sit on their heads. We had to learn how to do that to a level of precision that made it look believable in a live setting. It wasn’t like stills photography where you can edit the images afterwards.

    What was your worst hair moment and why…privately or on set/stage or in the salon?  
    When I was a very junior hairdresser working in the salon I cut some skin completely off the top of my client’s ear. She was very understanding about it but needless to say it just would not stop bleeding. I wanted to give up hairdressing immediately. But my embarrassment subsided and that never happened again.

    If you could style anyones hair, who would it be and why?
    Anyone who is comfortable enough to let me work in my own style with their hair. That’s when I do my best work.


    Your favorite hairdressing tools?
    My Allilon scissors, Cesibon cutting comb and a Mason Pearson Brush. All of these are simple tools that become an extension of my hands.

    Where do you pull hair inspiration from?
    I like looking at the history of hair and reimagining it in a modern context. Even things that look arcane and off to the eye can often lead to something creatively new.

    Your advice to young hairdressers starting out? 
    In an era where everything is instant it can be hard to get young hairdressers to understand that time makes the wine. Listen, learn, practice and be patient. This is a craft and you will always be learning. But there is no point where you can say “I know everything.”


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