Kids and Halloween Costumes: What About Skin Irritations?

When you think about celebrating Halloween, you probably aren’t thinking about kids and skin irritations.

This holiday can pose some skin issues, though, depending on what products you use and how sensitive your child’s skin is.

Below, we look into the various causes of skin irritations at Halloween and give you some tips on how to avoid them. You can keep skin healthy and problem-free this Halloween and throughout the season!

Kids and Halloween Costumes: Prevent Skin Irritations

Costumes can be made up from a variety of materials. If your child has sensitive skin or allergies, some of these may lead to skin irritations.

Synthetic materials can trap heat and moisture, leading to redness, itching, and sometimes, rashes, especially when worn for long periods of time. Be cautious with polyester, nylon, acrylic, spandex, rayon, and vinyl.

Some costumes may trigger allergic reactions, especially those that include latex gloves or masks. Wigs can cause scalp irritation and itchiness, while hats may exacerbate existing conditions. Masks can also result in difficulty seeing, headaches, acne, or a skin infection, particularly if they don’t fit right. Tags and seams that rub against the skin may also cause some discomfort.

Borrowed costumes or those from used clothing stores may still have leftover bacteria on them. These may also be a source of irritation, itching, or even infections.

What to Do

Choose costumes carefully. Look for natural fibers like cotton that are less likely to irritate sensitive skin. Beware of your child’s allergies and avoid triggering materials. You can also remove irritating tags or seams and add comfortable undergarments to prevent chafing and redness.

If you’re using a borrowed or used costume, wash it carefully before using it. Have your child try on a mask for a few minutes before buying it, to be sure it fits well and doesn’t rub against the skin. Always have your kids wash their faces after Halloween is over.

If your child should experience an allergic reaction, rash, redness, or irritation from a costume, spritz Rescue + Relief Spray for immediate relief from itchy, rashy skin. Then apply soothing Calming Moisture or Body Repair Lotion to calm the skin.

Kids and Halloween Costumes: Makeup, Face Paint, and Tattoos

Halloween makeup, face paint, and tattoos can create fun or spooky looks, but they can also cause skin problems.

Many contain allergens like fragrances, preservatives, or certain dyes that can trigger allergic reactions. Heavy makeup can clog pores leading to breakouts and irritation, particularly for kids with sensitive skin.

Some paints are tough to remove, as well, which can lead to prolonged exposure to potentially irritating and toxic ingredients. Even temporary tattoos may contain allergens that can irritate the skin, especially if they are applied to sensitive areas.

What to Do

Be cautious. Choose hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic makeup options designed for sensitive skin. Avoid those imported from other countries, as they don’t have the same strict safety standards as in the U.S.

Research the brands you’re buying, and look for those that market their products as safe for children with sensitive skin. Choose brands that are labeled as non-toxic. Read reviews to see what others have to say about them. Avoid long-wearing tattoos, and choose easy-to-remove options.

Before applying any of it, do a patch test on a small area of your child’s skin. Wait 24 hours to see if any irritation develops.

Choosing skin friendly Halloween makeup will help reduce the risk, but that may not always be possible. We recommend prepping your skin properly to help protect pores from clogging and from absorbing the toxins contained in heavy makeup, while helping prevent further irritation and breakouts.

Protect skin with a layer of Restorative Skin Balm, which will create a safeguarding barrier.  You can also apply our non-comedogenic Calming Moisture, which can act like a primer to help keep toxic ingredients out.

When Halloween is over, it’s important to remove all the makeup thoroughly to avoid clogged pores, breakouts and irritation. Use gentle makeup removers and follow up with a soothing moisturizer like our Calming Moisture to help prevent irritation, tame any potential inflammation, restore moisture, and soothe the skin. It contains hydrating and healing ingredients like glycerin, aloe vera, and antioxidants that will help restore skin health and radiance.

Halloween Face Paint

Kids and Halloween: Foods

Halloween is notorious for its sugary treats, but some candies can increase the risk of skin irritations – like inflammation, rosacea, eczema and other breakouts.

If your child has allergies, check all treats for triggers before you allow them to be eaten. Many contain common allergens like peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, and gluten.

Many candies also have artificial colors and preservatives that can cause reactions in some people. Yellow 5 or Red 40, for instance, have been known to trigger hives in sensitive children.

What to Do

Always read labels for allergens, particularly if your child has known food allergies. Look for allergy-friendly treats when possible. It’s also best to help your children moderate their intake, as that alone can help reduce the risk of negative reactions.

If your child has serious allergies, consider making homemade treats so you know exactly what ingredients are being used.

As your kids get older, teach them about allergies and help them understand the importance of avoiding certain foods or products. Educating them about their specific triggers can help them make safer choices.

It’s also helpful to go over the symptoms of an allergic reaction so your child can alert you immediately if they experience them.

Try and moderate the sugar intake to help stave off breakouts and inflammation. Balance with drinking water to flush out sugar and toxins, and encourage antioxidant-rich fruits and vegies. If your child experiences a skin flare-up, we recommend our Calming Moisture and Body Repair Lotion to help reduce inflammation and keep skin clear and healthy.

Kids and Halloween Costumes: The Weather

Cold weather, wind, and dry air can cause skin dryness and irritation, while outdoor trick-or-treating may also expose sensitive children to pollen and mold. If it’s raining and your child’s clothes get wet, that can lead to chafing and irritation. Even in the fall, ultraviolet rays from the sun may also cause skin damage.

What to Do

Apply a rich moisturizer to your child’s skin before they head out. We recommend our Calming Moisture and Body Repair Lotion. It will help the skin be more resistant to weather-related irritations. Don’t forget the lips! They can become easily chapped. Use our Restorative Skin Balm. It will help prevent cracked dry lips throughout the season.

Next, apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of skin. Have your child dress appropriately, using moisture-wicking fabrics underneath the costume to keep the skin dry.

Kids and Skin Irritations at Halloween: After-Care

After Halloween is over, carefully go through your child’s treats to make sure they’re all safe, then moderate intake. Have them take everything off and wash thoroughly—a shower or bath is best. Help them apply moisturizer afterward to help their skin recover. Wash the costumes and put them away, then watch your child’s skin for any signs of redness or irritation.

If you see any, use our Rescue + Relief Spray first to instantly reduce inflammation and itchiness, then apply our Restorative Skin Balm to help repair and calm, replenish moisture, and keep skin healthy.  Apply and a bandage or gauze pad if needed.

Here’s to avoiding skin horrors at Halloween and throughout the season!

Do your kids struggle with skin irritations at Halloween?

Featured image by Kevin Bidwell via Pexels.

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