Fall 2024 Lipstick Challenge, Day 3!

I’m a little surprised that I don’t look more frazzled in this picture because about 20 minutes before I took it, I stumbled down the hill in our cul-de-sac like a Looney Tunes cartoon character!

No seriously, I full-on rolled down a hill. We live in a neighborhood with tons of oak trees that produce these gigantic acorns, and as I was walking Connor down the hill to school I guess I wasn’t really paying attention to where my feet were landing, so when I stepped on an acorn, which basically was like a massive marble, my right ankle rolled underneath me.

That set off a chain reaction of me falling to the ground, and right as I hit the pavement, I reflexively tucked into a round ball, which then caused me to tumble down the steep hill even more as I clung onto Connor’s little pink backpack with dear life!

Honestly, I’m at a point in life where I’m just happy that if I fall, 1) I actually get back up, and 2) I have all of my teeth intact, so thank you, Goddesses of the Universe, for having my back. Otherwise this selfie would’ve looked very different, OMG!

Long story short, I’m wearing Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil in Happy, which is a cool pink. Oh, and my ankle is a little bruised. Not sprained though.

This lip color will forever be burned in my mind as what I was wearing the day I rolled down the hill.

Oh, and here’s more thing that was super weird about it. It seemed to all happen in slow motion, like, I floated out of my body and was watching the whole thing happen right when it was happening. So weird!

Anyway, my coworker noticed that I was limping and asked what happened, and after recounting all the sordid details, she proceeded to tell me an even crazier story of when she fell and rolled down a hill.

She lives in San Francisco on a very steep hill, and as she was walking her dogs, they ran into two puppies with very bad manners (she called the puppies “Menace” and “Mischief”). Somehow her dogs and Menace and Mischief got into a scuffle, and she ended up rolling down the hill in her pajamas and landing in a big pile of dog poop.

Rolling down hills, 100% do not recommend!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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