Goodbye, July – Makeup and Beauty Blog

July was a lovely month here at Casa MBB. Quite a few things happened!

1. I chopped off my hair

I’ve been on the fence about it for months. I knew it was time to finally do it when the stylist said, “It’s just hair, and it will grow back,” and my heart leapt with excitement. Next thing I knew, there was a massive pile of hair on the salon floor!

2. Marnie graduated from a dog training school program

She now knows some basic commands, and we as a family are better equipped to communicate with her. We took her to Mary’s Dog Angels in San Rafael! If you’re looking for some solid basic training, Mary is great.

3. I found a new-to-me boba place

It’s Teaspoon in Corte Madera, which is about 15 minutes away from my house. I asked the person behind the counter what the most popular flavor was, and he said Thai tea, so I went with that. The tea was tasty and the boba was fresh. I ordered mine with the classic boba balls and a sweetness level of 50%. It was purrfect!

4. We spent time next to the water

Any day you get to see the ocean is a good day. I spent fourth of July at a barbecue at a friend’s house on the bay, and we went to the beach a couple times with Marnie.

Any day spent relaxing next to the water is a good day

5. I fell in love with Marnie a little bit more

This little love had a REALLY hard start in life, and she’s still carrying it with her. Did I mention that she is a rescue? Apparently she spent her puppyhood in a backyard with very little socialization, and unfortunately that’s shaped how she currently experiences the world around her. She’s anxious and needs a lot of reassurance. Every day, though, I can see her confidence growing, and it’s so wonderful.

6. We all enjoyed fresh tomatoes from our deck garden

We enjoyed eating the tomatoes, Rosie enjoyed chillin’ in the plants, and Marnie enjoyed digging up the dirt in the pot. Sigh.

7. I found a new fun thing to love

Um, and it’s vintage jewelery! I have no plans to buy any of it, mind you. I just like looking at old pieces and imagining the history behind them. My favorites are Jewels by Grace and Erica Weiner Jewelry.

8. I spent absolutely nothing at the Nordstrom anniversary sale

But I did buy a dog crate on Amazon prime day!

9. I realized a big thing that may be helpful to me in the future

I don’t know why this took me so long to learn, but apparently I can allow people in my life to be — gasp — totally and completely wrong about me. And in turn, I don’t have to correct them. I can just let them continue to be wrong, and I can continue on as my sparkly self. Hmm, does that make any sense at all? In my mind I swear it’s logical, LOL! Anyway, This revelation has been very freeing and very helpful to my peace of mind.

Did any good things happen for you in July? Big or small, I’d love to hear about it.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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